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🎵Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band🎵


跨上驾驶位,点火。披头士的 Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band 如同热浪一般,从音响中喷涌而出。好久没回顾经典摇滚了,我想,就接着听这部专辑吧。

最开始喜欢上这首富有张力的摇滚,是源自披头士波普风格的动画 Yellow Submarine. 经典从未消逝,在一次又一次的演绎中得以重生。

Yellow Submarine is the tenth studio album by English rock band the Beatles, released on 13 January 1969 in the United States and on 17 January in the United Kingdom. It was issued as the soundtrack to the animated film of the same name, which premiered in London in July 1968. The album contains six songs by the Beatles, including four new songs and the previously released "Yellow Submarine" and "All You Need Is Love". The remainder of the album is a re-recording of the film's orchestral soundtrack by the band's producer, George Martin.



云层重新散开,月光再次漫无目的地洒落,夜色寂静如空。 没有鱼群,没有海洋,我恍过神来,到家了。 唯留下清澈的夜空,月明,星稀。